This endpoint provides a comprehensive overview of the metrics set for your organisation. By accessing this endpoint, you can retrieve a complete list of all metrics currently assigned, formatted as a JSON file. This allows for easy review and management of your organisation’s metrics, ensuring that you are fully informed about the data points available for analysis and decision-making.
Use the endpoint below to obtain a full list of the current metric set within your organisation. This endpoint allows users to request a file in JSON format, providing a complete overview of the available metrics.
Request method
method is used to retrieve data from the server, such as accessing the full list of metrics set with the organisation account. This method requests information securely over HTTPS, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality while adhering to best practices for retrieving data from the API.
Upon successful return of an analysis a 200 - OK will be returned, and the response containing the metrics for the specified portfolio.
"created": "2023-07-10T09:24:10.413291",
"time_stamp": 1688981050,
"metrics": [
"metric_id": "17cd0fca-2d88-4ef0-8696-57c35222596e",
"metric_name": "SDG_ALL_A_CAPEX",
"metric_unit": "PERCENTAGE OF CAPEX",
"metric_type": "sdg_capex_metric",,
"metric_equation": "EVIC",
"metric_id": "d09d41e3-4411-4da6-8f98-e5ffcc9281a7",
"metric_unit": "",
"metric_type": "flag",
"metric_equation": "FLAG"